Coastline Solutions
Earn 12 CPD's

12 Hours
Online Training
URDG Master

URDG Master


This training course provides training and instruction in URDG 758, the ICC Rules governing the operation of demand guarantees. The Course is designed to ensure proficiency in this area of trade finance work. This course will cover the following:

  • Provide a firm foundation in the operation of demand guarantees and counter-guarantees.
  • Outline the scope of application of the URDG 758 rules.
  • Examine an article-by-article analysis of the URDG 758 rules.

ICC Approved online training in ICC Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG 758).

Earn 12 CPDs for CDCS®, CSDG® and CSCF® recertification.

The course content is written by Dr Georges Affaki, Chair of the URDG 758 Drafting Group and Vice Chair of the ICC Banking Commission, and Gary Collyer, Technical Adviser to the ICC Banking Commission.

Course Overview

Module 1

Demand Guarantees

This module includes a series of interactive lessons that provide a firm foundation in the operation of demand guarantees and counter-guarantees and outlines the scope of application of the URDG 758 rules.

Lesson 1 - What is a demand guarantee?

Lesson 2 - Operation of a demand guarantee subject to URDG

Lesson 3 - Life-cycle of a demand guarantee

Module 2

URDG 758 Examined

This module provides an article-by-article analysis of the URDG 758.

1. Application of URDG

2. Definitions

3. Interpretation

4. Issue and effectiveness

5. Independence of guarantee and counter-guarantee

6. Documents v. goods, services or performance

7. Non-documentary conditions

8. Content of instructions and guarantees

9. Application not taken up

10. Advising of guarantee or amendment

11. Amendments

12. Extent of guarantor's liability under guarantee

13. Variation of amount of guarantee

14. Presentation

15. Requirements for demand

16. Information about demand

17. Partial demand and multiple demands; amount of demands

18. Separateness of each demand

19. Examination

20. Time for examination of demand; payment

21. Currency of payment

22. Transmission of copies of complying demand

23. Extend or pay

24. Non-complying demand, waiver and notice

25. Reduction and termination

26. Force majeure

27. Disclaimer on effectiveness of documents

28. Disclaimer on transmission and translation

29. Disclaimer for acts of another party

30. Limits on exemption from liability

31. Indemnity for foreign laws and usages

32. Liability for charges

33. Transfer of guarantee and assignment of proceeds

34. Governing law

35. Jurisdiction

Module 3

Case Studies

This module provides a series of interactive case studies which cover key aspects of demand guarantee work.

Case Study 1 - Issuance and amendment of guarantees

Case Study 2 - Presentation(s), transfer, and assignment of proceeds

Case Study 3 - Counter-guarantee



This module provides a comprehensive assessment for trainees to test their knowledge of demand guarantees and URDG 758.

Successfully complete the Assessment to receive an “ICC Certificate of Achievement” and qualify for 12 CPD's towards CDCS ®, CSDG ® and CSCF ® recertification.

Module 5


URDG 758 Rules

Model forms

Module 6


Keywords in International Trade

Module 7


Glossary of International Trade Terms


1 to 9 trainees

€300 .00
  • per trainee

10 to 49 trainees

€250 .00
  • per trainee

50+ trainees

€200 .00
  • per trainee


URDG Master

Great course, interesting cases, excellent presentation of material.

Oleksandr, JSC UKRSIBBANK, Ukraine

URDG Master

This course is a big pleasure and invaluable experience. The material is very interesting, detailed and useful. It is presented in a convenient and accessible form. There are a lot of practical cases that really help in everyday work.

Olga Vinel, Bank Dabrabyt JSC, Republic of Belarus

URDG Master

The course is superb. it is all inclusive, with essential materials, case studies and testing, gives you the proper foundation and prepares for a solid knowledge to practice as a professional trade finance specialist. Also, customer support is great, very prompt, friendly and helpful, I do recommend.

Gvantsa Kikava, JSC Pasha Bank Georgia, Georgia



Our online training courses are developed in collaboration with internationally renowned experts from around the world. Truly International – designed to be relevant for staff worldwide.


As the training is delivered online, each member of your staff can be trained to an approved standard regardless of location.


Trainees have access to the course material for 1 year as a reference tool. Using our learning management system (LMS), organisations can easily manage their staff training and keep track of trainees' progress and results.

Value for money

Save time and money by taking our courses online – discounts for volume orders – our courses are a very cost-effective way to train your staff.