Coastline Solutions
Earn 16 CPD's

40 Hours
Online Training
Going Global

Going Global


This training course provides a detailed guide to International Trade for both exporters and importers. It looks at the additional risks and challenges faced when expanding into international markets, and how to address them. This course will cover the following:

  • Understanding the risks and challenges of International Trade and how to mitigate them
  • Outlining the steps involved in reaching an effective sales agreement and the legal framework that supports it.
  • Examining key provisions of international contracts and different business structures available
  • Describing key issues and the documentation required for transportation, customs, payment and financing
  • Examining payment risk mitigation
  • Understanding the obligations and responsibilities of importers and exporters under international trade terms
  • Handling trade transaction disputes and dispute resolution clauses.

ICC Approved training.

Earn 16 CPDs for CDCS®, CSDG® and CSCF® recertification.

Course Overview

Module 1

International Trade Overview

This module provides an overview of the additional considerations to be taken into account when looking at international trade i.e. trading internationally, and guidance for both exporters and importers when negotiating an international contract of sale.

Lesson 1 - Trading Internationally

Lesson 2 - International Sales and Contract of Sale

Lesson 3 - International Business Transactions

Module 2

International Trade Terms

This module examines how the various costs and responsibilities in international sales of goods are shared between buyers and sellers under each Incoterms® 2020 rule.

Lesson 4 - Incoterms® 2020: Standard Trade Terms

Module 3

Documents in Trade

The module teaches how trade documents underpin the international sale of goods, and provides an overview of the content and function of the main documents in international trade.

Lesson 5 - Overview of an Export/Import Transaction: The Documents

Lesson 6 - International Transport

Lesson 7 - Customs and ATA Carnets

Module 4

Financing International Trade

This module explains the additional risks and complexities of international trade finance.

Lesson 8 - Introduction to International Payments

Lesson 9 - Documentary Credits and the UCP

Lesson 10 - Short-term Trade Finance

Lesson 11 - Securing International Transactions: Guarantees, Bonds, and Standby Credits

Lesson 12 - Export Credit Agencies

Module 5

International Trade Law and Dispute Resolution

This module examines the legal environment for international trade transactions, international dispute resolution and the operation of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

Lesson 13 - International Trade Law

Lesson 14 - International Dispute Resolution: International Litigation, Arbitration and ADR

Lesson 15 - ICC Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Services

Module 6

E-commerce and Intellectual Property

This module covers electronic payments, digital signatures, and other matters related to trade.

Lesson 16 - E-Commerce and International Trade: Practice and Policy

Lesson 17 - International Business and Intellectual Property

Module 7


This module provides a comprehensive assessment for trainees to test their knowledge on International Trade for both exporters and importers.

Successfully complete the Assessment to receive an “ICC Certificate of Achievement” and qualify for 16 CPD's towards CDCS ®, CSDG ® and CSCF ® recertification.

Module 8


ICC Model Contracts

Module 9


Glossary of International Trade Terms


1 to 9 trainees

€300 .00
  • per trainee

10 to 49 trainees

€250 .00
  • per trainee

50+ trainees

€200 .00
  • per trainee


Going Global

This experience was indescribable.

Benito, BLC Entertainment, South Africa

Going Global

Going Global has all the information you need to know on international trade before you go global. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending this course.

Mike Francis, International Director – Solent Region, UK Santander Corporate & Commercial Banking



Our online training courses are developed in collaboration with internationally renowned experts from around the world. Truly International – designed to be relevant for staff worldwide.


As the training is delivered online, each member of your staff can be trained to an approved standard regardless of location.


Trainees have access to the course material for 1 year as a reference tool. Using our learning management system (LMS), organisations can easily manage their staff training and keep track of trainees' progress and results.

Value for money

Save time and money by taking our courses online – discounts for volume orders – our courses are a very cost-effective way to train your staff.