Coastline Solutions
Earn 12 CPD's

30 plus Hours
Online Training
Trade Based Financial Crimes

Trade Based Financial Crimes


This training course will provide you with the technical knowledge, skills & insights into international best practices in the ever-changing trade finance compliance landscape. This course will cover the following:

  • International banking operations and the challenges posed by trade and trade based financial crime compliance
  • Financial crime and the role government regulation plays in trade and trade based financial crime compliance
  • International trade and the trade finance products e.g. documentary Credits
  • Key elements of an effective bank compliance programme including a trade-based financial crime compliance element
  • Best practices for exercising due diligence on customers, trade and on trade transactions
  • Indicators of financial crime that suggest the possibility of various types of financial crime
  • How financial institutions can combat money laundering, terrorism financing, bribery, commercial fraud and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as well as sanctions violations

Earn 12 CPDs for CDCS ®, CSDG ® and CSCF ® recertification.

Course Overview



Lesson 1- An Introduction to Trade Based Financial Crime Compliance

Lesson 2 - Trade

Lesson 3 - Financial Crime Regulation

Lesson 4 - The Compliance Programme

Lesson 5 - Exercising Due Diligence

Lesson 6 - Indicators of Trade Based Financial Crimes



Lesson 7 - Anti money laundering

Lesson 8 - Counter terrorism financing

Lesson 9 - Sanctions

Lesson 10 - Weapons of mass destruction

Lesson 11 - Anti bribery

Lesson 12 - Commercial fraud

Lesson 13 - Anti boycott

Module 3


Successfully complete the Knowledge Test to receive our “Recognition of Achievement” and qualify for 12 CPD's towards CDCS ®, CSDG ® and CSCF ® recertification.

Module 4

Study Text

Chapter 1 - Introduction To Trade Finance Compliance

Chapter 2 - Trade

Chapter 3 - Financial Crime Regulation

Chapter 4 - A Compliance Programme

Chapter 5 - Exercising Due Diligence

Chapter 6 - Indicators Of Trade Based Financial Crimes

Chapter 7 - Anti Money Laundering

Chapter 8 - Countering The Financing Of Terrorism

Chapter 9 - Sanctions

Chapter 10 - Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Chapter 11 - Anti Bribery And Anti Corruption

Chapter 12 - Commercial Fraud

Chapter 13 - Anti Boycott

Module 5

Additional Resources


Lists of Red Flags

Glossary of Terms

Abbreviations related to Trade Based Financial Crime

Organisations involved in Preventing and Combating Trade Based Financial Crime

Appendix A


1 to 9 trainees

€300 .00
  • per trainee

10 to 49 trainees

€250 .00
  • per trainee

50+ trainees

€200 .00
  • per trainee


Trade Based Financial Crimes course

In my opinion, this is the most interesting and useful course for bank employees. Lessons: The Compliance programme, Anti money laundering, Sanctions are the best! Thank you so much!

Vynohrad Viktoriia, Joint stock company “The State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine”, Ukraine

Trade Based Financial Crimes course

Excellent training for SMEs actively working in the Trade Finance and Financial Crime Compliance space.

Leanard Phillip, Bank ABC International Limited, United Kingdom

Trade Based Financial Crimes course

This was a very informative and comprehensive overview of financial crimes. I like that it includes information about how financial crimes are addressed in other countries, as well as my own. The website was easy to use and could be accessed at my convenience.

Catherine Venis, USA



Our online training courses are developed in collaboration with internationally renowned experts from around the world. Truly International – designed to be relevant for staff worldwide.


As the training is delivered online, each member of your staff can be trained to an approved standard regardless of location.


Trainees have access to the course material for 1 year as a reference tool. Using our learning management system (LMS), organisations can easily manage their staff training and keep track of trainees' progress and results.

Value for money

Save time and money by taking our courses online – discounts for volume orders – our courses are a very cost-effective way to train your staff.