Coastline Solutions
Earn 12 CPD's
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ISBP 821

12 Hours
Online Training
ISBP Online

ISBP Online


The ISBP Online course contains online instruction and training in the International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under UCP 600 (ISBP 821). It is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of documentary credit professionals. This course will cover the following:

  • Identify all provisions under the International Standard Banking Practice
  • Provide expert commentary on the ISBP provisions
  • Highlight UCP 600 articles and ICC Opinions relevant to each ISBP provision
  • Application of ISBP provisions that relate to documents required for presentation under documentary credits

ICC Approved online training in International Standard Banking Practice(ISBP) for the Examination of Documents under UCP 600.

Earn 12 CPDs for CDCS®, CSDG® and CSCF® recertification.

The course content is written by Gary Collyer, Senior Technical Adviser to the ICC banking Commission, and Chair of the drafting group for the revision of ISBP.

Course Overview

Module 1

General Principles

This module provides an understanding of the 'General Principles' provisions (A1-A41) identified under the International Standard Banking Practice for the examination of documents under Documentary Credits.

Lesson 1 - General Principles

Module 2

Transport Documents

This module provides an understanding of the provisions identified under ISBP related to Transport Documents.

Lesson 2 - Multimodal or combined transport document

Lesson 3 - Bill of lading transport document

Lesson 4 - Non-negotiable sea waybill transport document

Lesson 5 - Charter party bill of lading transport document

Lesson 6 - Air Transport document

Lesson 7 - Road, Rail or Inland Waterway transport documents

Module 3

Other Documents

This module provides an understanding of the provisions identified under ISBP related to Other Documents.

Lesson 8 - Drafts and calculation of maturity date

Lesson 9 - Invoices

Lesson 10 - Insurance documents and coverage

Lesson 11 - Certificate of Origin, Packing List, Weight List, Beneficiary's Certificate, Inspection

Module 4

Case Studies

This module provides a series of interactive case studies which cover key aspects of International Standard Banking Practice.

Case Study 1 - Document checking

Case Study 2 - Document checking

Case Study 3 - Document checking

Module 4


An advanced assessment covering key aspects of the ISBP.

Successfully complete the Assessment to receive an “ICC Certificate of Achievement” and earn 12 CPDs for CDCS ®, CSDG ® and CSCF ® recertification.

Module 5


UCP 600 Rules


1 to 9 trainees

€300 .00
  • per trainee

10 to 49 trainees

€250 .00
  • per trainee

50+ trainees

€200 .00
  • per trainee



Our online training courses are developed in collaboration with internationally renowned experts from around the world. Truly International – designed to be relevant for staff worldwide.


As the training is delivered online, each member of your staff can be trained to an approved standard regardless of location.


Trainees have access to the course material for 1 year as a reference tool. Using our learning management system (LMS), organisations can easily manage their staff training and keep track of trainees' progress and results.

Value for money

Save time and money by taking our courses online – discounts for volume orders – our courses are a very cost-effective way to train your staff.