training course
This training course provides advanced online instruction and training in letter of credit practice. This course is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of experienced documentary credit professionals.
This course will cover the following:
- Highlight key areas of importance including workability of T&Cs in documentary credits and the correct issuance of refusal notices.
- Examine areas of documentary credit practice that are commonly misapplied and misinterpreted
- Review the function and operation of a number of variations to commercial documentary credits
ICC Approved online training in UCP 600.
training course
The ISBP Online course contains online instruction and training in the International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under UCP 600 (ISBP 821). It is designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of documentary credit professionals.
This course will cover the following:
- Identify all provisions under the International Standard Banking Practice
- Provide expert commentary on the ISBP provisions
- Highlight UCP 600 articles and ICC Opinions relevant to each ISBP provision
- Application of ISBP provisions that relate to documents required for presentation under documentary credits
ICC Approved online training in International Standard Banking Practice(ISBP) for the Examination of Documents under UCP 600.